Verse: Matthew 6:27-29
27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

These are some of my favorite, most clung to verses. Jesus reminds us of the futility of worry and anxiety. He asks us to consider the lilies of the field… they do not worry about their provision, yet God takes care of them. They don’t even do anything to help themselves and He still keeps them alive and makes them beautiful. He draws a comparison to king Solomon, stating that even “in all his glory”, he didn’t compare to the flowers. King Solomon was known for his fine clothing and extravagance, so this is making a comparison from his clothing to the beautiful of the flowers. The lilies of the field were more beautiful than even the most extravagant of clothing. And those are just flowers! How much more will He cherish and take care of us, His children?

Ok listen, I know easier said than done. I’ve struggled with anxiety my entire life. This is not making a statement about clinical anxiety (though these verses still brought me comfort in the worst of it). I don’t think believing God cares about you more than flowers is going to cure your chemical imbalance. Medical help for clinical anxiety is real and important. HOWEVER. One thing I’ve learned is grounding and perspective is a game changer in my anxiety, so maybe these verses can help you do that too. This is also making a larger statement about worrying.

It can be so easy to get caught up in the stresses of this world. Honestly, if you look around you can probably list 100 things to worry about in our current world climate. We worry about our jobs, our finances, our relationships, our health, and so much more. But Jesus. He tells us that worrying does not add a single moment to our lives. Instead, He encourages us to trust in God’s provision and faithfulness. Look around the natural world around us. See how He cares for and sustains so much beauty and life. He cares for us more than any of that, He loves us and calls us His children. He will provide for us abundantly. He knows our needs before we even ask, and He promises to provide what we need.

So, He wants more for us. He doesn’t want us to waste our time and energy on worry and anxiety. He wants us to choose daily to trust in His goodness and faithfulness. Let us seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, knowing that all these things will be added unto us. We can find rest in the knowledge that our Father cares for us deeply and will always provide for our needs.

Lord, this world is wearisome and full of anxieties. I know I can trust you to provide for me, but it’s so hard not to get caught in worry when I look at the world around me. Help open my eyes to notice all the ways You care for and provide for the world around me, just like the lilies. Use this as an opportunity to remind me that You care and provide for me abundantly more. Help me to turn to You and to rely on You when the worries of this world become heavy. I know You can do far greater than I can even imagine. Thank you for being a good Father, and for seeing my needs before I even do. I love you Lord, amen.

Author: Becca Artymenko