“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27


Recently a friend came over to my house and taught me how to change the brake pads on my car. I had wanted to learn this for a while, but I simply did not have the expertise, or the confidence, within myself to achieve the desired goal. When he taught me, he essentially GAVE ME his expertise. Then a few months later, my other car needed the same thing, and I was able to do it on my own. I double checked a few things with him, but essentially SOME of his expertise had BECOME my expertise.

When I read this statement of Jesus, I feel the same way. Jesus says that he is wanting to give me his peace. Much like my friend gave me his expertise when I was lacking, Jesus wants to do the same with his peace! The peace I need in life may not always be within me (in fact often it’s not!). So the promise of Jesus here is that we can LOOK TO HIM for his peace!

Think about that.

This is not a peace based on circumstances. This is not a peace based on optimistic blindness to reality. This is not a peace based on avoiding risk or anything fearful. No – this is a supernatural peace. Now don’t be scared by the word – supernatural. We aren’t getting strange here! But God is super (beyond) the natural way of things. He is super-natural. And his peace is the same! His peace in our hearts will often defy what they world expect (and what we would expect) natural peace to accomplish in our lives!

He says he is giving us HIS peace. So what is our job in this? I think our job is to ask! Have you asked God for HIS peace recently? Have you asked him to fill your heart and mind with a peace so pure, so strong, and so freeing that it literally can change your internal outlook without your external circumstances having to change? Now THAT sounds supernatural!


Jesus I ask your for YOUR peace. May your peace fill my heart and mind, and even overflow to those around me.