Verse: Philippians 3:18-19
18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

You know what I generally do when I read a verse like this? I assume it is about someone else. This can’t be about me, can it? I think many of us tend to do that. We assume the best of ourselves. We read ourselves into the heroes of the story, but not into the villains.

Today, I want to assume this is about me. In what ways is my stomach my god? He’s not talking about food here, obviously, he’s talking about desires. He’s talking about doing whatever I want that brings me pleasure. In what ways is my comfort, my happiness, my freedom to do what I want, actually what I serve and worship?

In what ways do I care more about getting what I want, than doing what God asks? In what ways is my mind, my attention and affection, set on earthly things? Am I more worried about money than my generosity? Am I more worried about what people think of me than I am about obeying God?

Food, fun and friends. Sex, sports and salary. All of these can steal my affection. They are not bad in and of themselves.But when we “disorder our affections” — when we put our desire and affection for them ABOVE our desire and affection for God — then we begin to live like those described in these verses.

It is sobering, but it is also liberating. How? Because the solution is relatively simple. Repent. To repent means to turn around and head in the other direction. As we sense our affections and desires getting out of order, we can change course and repent! And God’s love, mercy and forgiveness are there immediately to lead us.

In what areas of your life do you need to do this? Where do you see yourself letting other things get ahead of God in your life? What can you do to change course?

God I pray that you would show me, lovingly, any areas in my life where my desire and affection for something other than you has taken first place in my life.

Author: Christian Dunn