Verse: Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

This one seems so simple that a devotion isn’t really needed. But it’s a piece of wisdom that often gets neglected. Our knee jerk reactions can truly be the opposite of gentle.

I’m thinking of all of the times this verse proved true in my own life. Both good and bad. Think of the gratitude in a child when they break something, and expect to get in trouble, but instead, are given a gentle answer. The moments when tension is high, and then someone says something gentle, and it melts away. It’s not a magic trick. It doesn’t fix whatever the problem might be, but it’s pretty amazing the way that it can change your heart toward finding a solution.

And think of the times when you’ve reacted harshly. Maybe it was at the end of a long day, and someone wanted your attention and went about it in an annoying way. Or maybe the person you were harsh with really was trying to bother you, and you let them get under your skin. There
is so much power in our words, and the manner in which we deliver them. To think that with a few well-chosen words we can turn away wrath, or we can stir it up.

I often think of gentleness as a physical touch kind of thing, but our words are another very powerful way to be gentle. And harshness might not be anger alone, maybe it’s sarcasm, or just a louder response than is necessary. I am feeling challenged to really examine the way that I speak, especially to the people I am in charge of.

Lord God, you are so gentle with us. You give us so much room to learn and grow. Thank you! May we give the same grace to those around us. Amen.

Author: Emily Costa