Verse: 1 Peter 4:8-9 (ESV)
8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

The Greek word translated here as ‘earnestly’ is one used to describe an athlete striving to win a race. Making an effort with a goal in mind, and a finish line in sight. As Peter has just told us in verse 7 that “The end of all things is at hand…”, it makes sense that we should be focusing on the finish (Christ’s return), and be striving to perform in a way that moves us toward that goal. In fact, our love for one another is so important, Peter makes it our number one priority (‘Above all’).

He also tells us that “love covers a multitude of sins”. So, as long as we are loving, we can live our lives however, we want? Sweet! But doesn’t that fly in the face of everything Scripture tells about how we should act? What does he mean, then? I don’t think he’s talking about our sins at all. I think he’s telling us that when our default attitude toward another person is love, we are capable of enduring nearly anything they do to hurt, betray, disappoint us. Just like Jesus’ death didn’t atone for his sins, but for ours, our love covers the sins that others commit against us, making it easier, and even possible, for us to forgive them.

It also allows us to show the type of genuine hospitality encouraged in verse 9. Is it really even hospitality if it’s accompanied by grumbling? And let’s remember what hospitality meant in the Middle East 2000 years ago. Peter wasn’t talking about having your church friends over for dinner. He was talking about housing, feeding, clothing those who were passing through town, fleeing persecution, widowed and orphaned. He’s talking about making ourselves vulnerable for the sake of love. What are some ways we can do that?

Heavenly Father, I struggle to love others, especially when they have hurt me. Help me to be reminded that it was my sins that nailed your Son to the cross, and he went willingly, because he loved me. Open my eyes to opportunities for me to share that love through hospitality, so that I may finish the race. Amen.

Author: David MacDonald