Discipleship Model

Following Jesus often starts with a decision to make Jesus Lord and Savior of your life, but then what? How do we grow in our faith? At CityLight we want to help you develop a faith that is life-sustaining and life giving; that will be a source of hope in times of trouble, joy in times of plenty, and empowerment as you share your life with others. To this end, we visualize faith growth (or as Christians often call it, “discipleship”) as happening in three concentric circles. Life With God, Life in Community and Life on Mission.

We see the three circles as growing out of each other, but also as reinforcing each other. If you love Jesus you will be drawn to his mission. If you are on his mission, you’ll most likely do it with his community. If you are living in his community, you’ll be inspired to love Jesus more, and so on. Read on and you’ll see how we try to create space and opportunities for each of us to grow in all three areas. 

Life with God

Everything in our Christian faith depends on our personal relationship with God. Our hope is to help people grow closer to Jesus by establishing spiritual practices that help us go from just knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus.

Opportunities to grow in your life with God:

  • Practicing the Faith Series
  • CityLight Devotions
  • Sunday Mornings
  • Worship Nights
  • Discipleship Classes

Discipleship Classes

One of the ways that we can grow in our faith is by learning from each other. While faith isn’t ALL about what you can learn, learning is a part of it. To that end we try to provide some essential classes on a rotating annual basis. Below is our class pathway that we encourage all people at CityLight to try out!

Life in Community

While it is vital to have a personal faith with personal spiritual practices, if our faith is not rooted in community it will be stunted. Corporate worship, friendships, small groups and more are necessary for growing a fully healthy faith in Jesus. Also it is in his community where we are refined—learning to love, forgive, work together, and ultimately to become more like Jesus.

Opportunities to grow in your life in community:

Small Groups

Partner Teams

  • Buddies Team
  • CityLight Worship
  • CityLight Kids and Tots
  • CityLight Youth
  • Devotion Writing Team
  • Hospitality Team
  • Mental Health Team
  • Photography Team
  • Practical Needs Team
  • Prayer Teams
  • Safety Team
  • Setup and Teardown
  • Small Group Leadership
  • Sound and AV Team

Life on Mission

Faith that is truly alive becomes more than a personal experience. It overflows and begins to touch the lives of others. We believe healthy faith results in mission into the world, sharing our lives and faith with those who don’t know Jesus, and serving those in our communities who are less advantaged.

Opportunities to grow in your life on mission:

Outreach Teams (see nonprofit partnerships)

Community Service (see nonprofit partnerships)

Invitational Culture

Leadership Opportunities

Nonprofit Partnerships