
2 Timothy 1:7 New Century Version (NCV)
God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.


Have you ever been intimidated? Maybe it was a situation at work, or at school, or in a social situation? Intimidation is when we feel smaller, and the issue (or the person) in front of us feels bigger (and better, stronger, etc). This happens to us when we forget ourselves – we forget who God has made us to be, forget our abilities, forget our talents — essentially we forget that we have anything to offer in that situation. We give into fear, and forget who God has made us to be.

Timothy was a young leader learning from Paul and he had forgotten who he was. People were challenging him and he was obviously struggling with timidity and fear. At other points Paul had reminded timothy of his faith (2 Tim 1:5) , encouraged him to follow Paul’s guidance (1 Tim 1:13), and challenged him to not let people look down on him because of his youth (1 Tim 4:12).

This theme is continued in this verse where he reminds Timothy about who he is in Jesus. “God did not give [you] a spirit that makes [you] afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.” Timothy, in Jesus, does not need to be afraid. Fear does not come from God. It is not who God has made him to be. God has given him more powerful forces than fear. He has given him love. He has given him power. And he has given him self control.

So today be encouraged – maybe even say this to yourself when you deal with fear, anxiety, or worry. “I have not been given a spirit of fear. The Spirit I have been given is far more powerful than any fear or worry I face today.”

God has more for you, more for all of us, than fear. He has given us a spirit – His Spirit – who by love, power, and self control can enable us to face our fears with bravery.


Today, God I ask that you would remind me throughout the day that fear is not from you. And help me to receive your love to overcome it!