
Ephesians 2:10 English Standard Version (ESV)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


Have you ever seen something that was so amazing – either in its scale or its beauty – that it made you feel like you couldn’t really take it all in? I remember when we visited Zion National Park years ago, I felt that way as I looked up at the cliffs surrounding the creek we were about to hike in. Amazing. Breathtaking. Almost other-worldly.

This is you. And me. I know we can’t see it – but really the pinnacle of God’s creative working, the best of the best out of his ability, is you and me. We are his workmanship (his masterpiece). We have been created for purpose, to do good, to make a difference in the lives of others. He has plans for our lives!

Fear does not acknowledge this. In fact it wars against it. Fear tells us we CAN’T. Fear restricts us. It makes the playing field of our potential as small as possible. But when you and I grasp this truth – that we have a purpose, an inherent divine purpose – we must fight against the narrowing of our potential, and receive God’s BIG plan for our lives. God wants to stretch our capacity for imagining how he can use us. Fear wants to limit it. God wants to increase our expectation of ourselves. Fear wants to teach us to expect little from ourselves and from life.

Today, remember this – you were made for more. You were made for more than fear tells you. More than fear will ever let you experience if you follow it!


Jesus I pray that you would give me a great appreciation for the greatness you see in me! And help me to stop listening to fears restrictive thinking about me!