
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
So do not fear, for I am with you;


Have you ever noticed that scary situations (think haunted houses, scary movies…) areĀ always worse when you are alone? This is ingrained in us at such an early age isn’t it? What’s the first thing you did as a kid when you got scared? You yelled for help from an adult!

This is the power of this promise God makes us. His reason for telling us not to fear, is that he is with us. Whether this is anxiety, or worry, or self doubt – we can battle it with the knowledge that we are not alone. God, who made you and believes in you, in with you.

Now, as a Christian it is easy to misunderstand this. This does not mean that because he is with us, nothing bad will happen to us. We aren’t in a place where God has chosen to exert full control over everything yet. But it does mean that no matter what is happening, or what fear we are facing or living through, GOD IS STILL WITH US.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

This tells us that even when what we feared — even what we feared the most — happens to us, God is still with us.

So no matter what you are fearing today, or what fear you are currently walking through, take comfort, courage, and strength in the knowledge that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


God I pray that you would show me HOW you are with me today.