Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.

There is no doubt that this coronavirus situation brings with it abundant uncertainty. News from multiple directions… Too much time on our hands and not enough quiet… Too much boredom… Too few inspirational moments… Too much work. Many of us can be stuck in the “too’s”. Where are you in the spectrum of what all these days are holding?

Even when the world is not being placed in a global vice testing our strengths, we were called to make a space for God. A space where we sit and wait. I have been struggling to sit and wait lately. Sure I’ve been sitting way too much, but I’ve been constantly looking for the next “fix.” A social media scroll through, a different book to read, new recipes, work I can accomplish… just anything to fill my time. But what if God is shaking us down to find a space where we don’t fill the time. Instead we just leave it open. A space of time where we sit and soak in some of what makes Him present in our lives.

We can find the presence of God through nature. Sitting and listening to birds in the morning. Feeling the sun warm our skin. Breathing in the fresh air around us. All of our senses become peaceful because we are in the presence of the Creator of Life.

We can find the presence of God in scripture. Because His words reveal the same truths about humanity then that they do now! As well as the truths of who God is and the assurance that we have not been left alone. In fact you may be surprised when you read the old words of the Psalms or Isaiah and see how much we can relate to them today!

We can find the presence of God in the good moments. When we laugh or even just feel a smile. Our Lord made us to find the life, His presence, in those moments.

We need to look for that space. We need to make it happen. Not because God is a judge. Jesus covered all that stuff! What is left is for us to soak in the presence of the Lord and what we know is true. And it’s our responsibility to seek our Creator out. It’s not a chore. It’s a place of rest.

My prayer for each of us is that we: first, get ignited to find that space (pray for God to start this spark in you if you need to). Then we determine to create it. And lastly, we sit in it. Asking God to reveal some answers to our longings and give us His rest.

Mindy Kempista