John 14:1-3
[1] “Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. [2] In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? [3] And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

Series: “Things Jesus Said” from the book of John

This verse is hitting me differently today, than any other time that I’ve read it. For the first time, Dan and I have purchased a home, and we are doing a lot of work on it before we move in. I’m struck by the immense skill set of my husband – it’s pretty amazing. I’m struck by the joy that it brings to think of the hospitality that we will be able to share, just by having an open door. I’m especially struck by how fun it is to prepare rooms for the specific people to whom they will belong. The ripping out of the old and worn, and the labor and choices involved in making them new. Choosing colors with care, and deep cleaning, picking out certain touches with a loved one in mind. Wanting that space to bring joy.

This blows my mind to think of God preparing rooms for us. For me. For you. Jesus, knowing better than I what will make me feel at home and safe. Knowing what kind of room will make my heart sing. Knowing exactly how to create the atmosphere of home. I am filled with anticipation, in the thought that I have a place being prepared, that I cannot even imagine. What love Jesus has for us, as he comforts us with this thought.

“Preparing”, to me, is more than just saving a space. It speaks of welcome, and of needs met. It speaks of delight, and special touches with a loved individual in mind. It means that we will have a home, one where we are loved and in the presence of the one we love. As unknown as that place is to us now, we are comforted by the knowledge that we are fully known. And thought of. And planned for. And when we get there, Jesus will welcome us, and give us the tour, and we will know when we see the place that is prepared for us, because it will feel like home in a way that no other place ever has.

Thank you, LORD, for your words of comfort to us. To know that in all the uncertainty, you are preparing a permanent and beautiful place for us. Help us to live out of that certainty, to lean into your love for us. You are always good, even when circumstances don’t feel that way.

Author: Emily Costa