VERSE: John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

SERIES: “Things Jesus Said” in the book of John

Jesus is eating the passover meal with His best friends and closest companions. He has just finished washing their feet (even though He is the teacher); Jesus knows that in just a few hours He will be betrayed by one of them and deserted by the rest. He will be handed over to the authorities and falsely accused, mocked, condemned by the crowds, tortured and put to death. He has so much to tell them. He wants to comfort them, strengthen and warn them, and prepare them for what is coming next, and what’s to come later on. In most of the preceding 100 or so verses, Jesus does just that, ending with John 16:33.

The peace Jesus is referring to is not based on circumstances like having a secure job, or knowing there is enough money to pay the bills, or knowing that there is a Covid-19 vaccine ready to be released, so now you can have peace. The peace Jesus wants us to enter into is more like a confident trusting and resting in God. Philippians 4:6 says we should be anxious or worried about nothing but rather through prayer, we are to give everything to God. And then the peace of God that passes understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Can you imagine living a life without worry or anxiety?

Jesus goes on to warn us that in this life , we will have trouble. He doesn’t want us thinking that following Him means a safe, carefree or easy life where everyone loves us. Jesus himself is facing suffering and death, though He is innocent of any wrongdoing, in order to fulfill God’s greater purpose in salvation. Sometimes my trouble is my own fault, sometimes it’s from doing something I felt led to do, and sometimes trouble just comes. It can be a real challenge not to be anxious or worried.

But take heart Jesus has already overcome the world. This world is temporary . We are here for 80, 90, or maybe 100 years or so, and then death. Solomon in the book of Ecclesiasties commiserates how everything is vanity. He experienced wisdom, beautiful surroundings, astounding wealth and every kind of pleasure this world has to offer, but the end was emptiness and death. However, Jesus has overcome this world, with all its false pleasures, troubles, sickness, sin, the judgement that comes with sin, and even death itself, through his own death and resurrection. Romans chapter 6 says that when we were baptised into Jesus we also became partakers with His victory over this world and death. Death no longer has power over those who are in Christ!

Thank you father for the peace that is available in Jesus. Please help me to enter into that peace and to trust you when trouble comes. Thank you for the courage that comes from knowing that you have overcome this fallen world.

AUTHOR: Dean Hampson