Verse: 1 Peter 3:7
7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

Series: 1 Peter

When we read these verses (1-7) about roles of women and men and marriage, consider that the wrong things stick out to us. When we read it we see things like “wives…submit yourselves” and “weaker partner.” We read these though our lenses rather than the lenses of the culture in which it was written. Over time, the church has done this as well. Often emphasizing verses 1-6, and conveniently skipping verse 7.

What if we read this through the eyes of culture in which it was written? A culture where husbands viewed their wives as property. A culture where women had little to no rights. What would stick out to us then?

“In the same way” would probably stick out to us. In the same way as what? Look back at the previous chapter. The logic goes like this…Live differently in this world so others can see Jesus in you and know him. Do this as citizens. Do this as servants. In the same way wives do this….and “in the same way” husbands do this. This is a call for husbands to live differently than the husbands of their culture.

“Respect” would stick out. The greek word translated “respect” in the NIV is the word “time” (pronounced te-ma’) and it means “the value of something” or to “honor.” It is used to describe the honor that we give to God in worship (1 Timothy 1:7 and several others), that the Father gives to Christ (2 Peter 1:17), that believers give to “the elders” of a church (1 Timothy 5:17), that servants give to masters (1 Timothy 6:1), and here…..that husbands give to wives. This is radically counter cultural, and is the power of the Gospel to challenge the roles of oppression in marriage, and call husbands to treat wives as the partners that God created intended.

So how can we make this devotional? How can we make this touch our heart, and not just our head? Obviously if you are a husband you can examine your heart and lifestyle. Are you living in such as way that you are honoring, esteeming, and valuing your wife like the precious daughter of God that she is?

But for all of us here’s what strikes me: in what ways is my worldview and way of living influenced more by the culture than by the teachings of Jesus? Peter is challenging all believers, in all their roles in life, to stand out. To “live such good lives” that non believers will “see your good deeds and glorify God.” So take a moment to examine your life. Are you living as an employee like the world says, or like God says?  As a neighbor? As a friend? As a student? As a citizen? As a wife? As a single?

As you look through your life ask the Holy Spirit to shine his light of conviction into any area where the way of this world has held more sway over your beliefs and actions, than the way of Jesus.

I invite you, Lord, to look at my heart and life and gently bring your guidance and correction where needed.

Author: Christian Dunn