‭Verse: 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:15‬ ‭ESV
“See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.”

In verse 15, Paul reminds the Thessalonians that they should not pay evil for evil. Instead of retaliating, they should continue mirroring Christ, and work for the good of the individual.

This is an area I can always improve in (Especially when I’m driving and someone cuts me off but then drives 10 mph under the speed limit. According to my wife, I shouldn’t repay them by getting in front of them and slowing down even more). But in all seriousness, Paul’s words are still relevant (including those petty circumstances), even if the other person may be in the wrong.

This also means that if someone confronts us about something we are doing wrong, or something (a sin, etc.) they notice in our lives, our response should not be to call them out in that moment for what they are doing wrong. We should recognize that there is a reason they are bringing up the issue, and we should take the time to evaluate what they have said. If you immediately try to flip the tables onto them, you are not holding them accountable in a loving way— your pride is trying to play the ranking game to convince yourself that everything is actually alright.

In those situations, it’s worth it to hear the person out, and pray on it. If you truly feel a need to confront the other person about something you’ve noticed in their life, then you should absolutely be praying on that, and be praying for an opportunity to tell that truth in Love.

Paul goes on to say that we should always seek to do good to one another. This does not mean that we should idly be kind to one another (though being kind is beneficial as well), but that we should be actively seeking opportunities to serve one another. We should always try to ensure we are maintaining a servants heart for everyone we encounter.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please continue to help us remember the reason those around us may be bringing up something they see in our life. Help us to not take what they say as an insult, but instead be thankful that they are helping us with accountability. Please also remind us to serve others in whatever way we can. Please give an opportunity to serve someone this week that crosses our path, and help us to continue planting seeds in others lives through our servants heart. In your heavenly name. Amen.

Author: Justin Artymenko