Verse: Hebrews 2:14-18
Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels He helps, but Abraham’s descendants. For this reason He had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.

Woah, those are packed verses. So much truth in just a few verses. Let’s break it down, then talk about what that truth means for us.

Jesus became one of us. Our all powerful, all knowing Creator sent His son to endure the tribulations of this life. He stepped into humanity, for us. As if that isn’t mind blowing enough, catch this next part.

He did that to overcome the hold that the enemy had on us. The enemy wants us afraid. Jesus came to live among us to offer freedom because we can rest and be confident in HIS promises. He ALWAYS means what He says. He ALWAYS shows up. He came to us, fully human, in a broken, fallen world, so that He could die for us and free us from the bondage of the enemy.

… and still as if that isn’t enough catch this part. He was FULLY human. He knows the heartbreak of living in a fallen world. He knows the pain, the temptation, heartache, struggle of the human life. He isn’t sitting in heaven looking down and feeling sorry for us. He CAME to us. He EXPERIENCED this life. He UNDERSTANDS. He is with us, every single step of the way until the very end (Matthew 28:20) because He deeply understands all of our human experiences.

You guys. Just sit with how profound that is. Every time I am blown away at the mercy and love of our perfect Creator—There. Is. More. He came into a broken world to meet us where we are. Not only that, He lived a perfect, sinless life, and still chose to die to buy our freedom from the enemy with His very own blood. BUT THERES MORE. He lived this broken, painful, hard human experience so He can understand our experience, meet us where we are at, and help us. He sits in the heartbreak with us. He feels it deeply with us. He weeps with us. He angers with us. He rejoices with us. He is WITH us.

As I sit in this moment of quietness with the Father, the song Jireh by Maverick City Music & Elevation worship is coming into my mind. These are the lyrics to the introduction of the song-

“I’ll never be more loved than I am right now.Wasn’t holding You up So there’s nothing I can do to let You down. It doesn’t take a trophy to make You proud. I’ll never be more loved than I am right now. Going through a storm but I won’t go down. I hear Your voice Carried in the rhythm of the wind to call me out. You would cross an ocean so I wouldn’t drown. You’ve never been closer than You are right now. You are Jireh, You are enough”

We are loved and known by a perfect creator. Friend, I know life is hard. Some days it just feels like life is beating us down. Trust me, I feel like I’ve been stuck in a season where I can’t even get my head above water to take a deep breath. In those moments, it can be easy to believe lies. Sit with this truth today, friend. Even when it doesn’t feel true, we know that the living word of God holds truth for us. There is NOTHING we can do to change our value to our savior. He came to save us. He came to pay for us with his precious blood. He bought our freedom for a price to free us from the hold of the enemy. He understands our experience. He walks with us. He loves us. He knows us deeply and intimately. Nothing we do, say, or think would make Jesus take even one step away from us. He is here, right now. He has never been closer. He is with you every step of the way, and He is enough.

Lord, help us to sit with this truth today. Still my heart and my mind to feel your presence here and now. Holy Spirit, fill me with these truths. Quiet my mind so I can be still and feel the freedom that you bought for me.

Thank you Jesus. Help me to never lose my awe for all that you have done. Thank you that you walk every step with me. You will always be enough. Amen

Author: Becca Artymenko