Verse: Hebrews 4:16
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Earlier in Hebrews we are reminded that we have a God who understands and is able to sympathize with our weakness and even our temptation. He not only experienced suffering, death, and temptation, but did it without sinning.   We are reminded that he has shown us the way not only through his word but also through the life that he lived.  We have a God who is able to see us completely even in our weakness and sin.  How amazing is that? 

In Hebrews 4:16 we are reminded to draw near to the throne of grace.  He is going to meet us exactly where we are, and all we need to do is ask.   Knowing that Christ fully understands our weaknesses and has experienced our pain, we can pray. When we come to God asking for mercy, grace, help, or forgiveness, we can be confident and assured that he will meet us right in that hard place. Nobody understands our pain better than Jesus.

Thank you God for who you are in our lives.  Thank you that you know our pain, our circumstances, and you are willing to meet us exactly where we are.  I pray that anyone that is struggling with connecting with your grace would know your love is real and tangible.  We pray that we would be able to connect to you even when we don’t know how..  Thank you Jesus that you are bigger than our struggles and circumstances.

Author: Josh Robinson