Verse: Hebrews 13:17-19
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order that I may be restored to you the sooner.

The direction given to followers of Jesus in this passage to “Obey your leaders and submit to them …” is likely a difficult one for many of us at first glance, especially given the age and culture in which we live. These days, there is no lack of distrust or wariness about leaders in our country and around the world. Unfortunately, some of us have also seen, or been part of, the failure of leadership in the church. Some of us have even had others in positions of authority in our lives who have really hurt us. Furthermore, our culture teaches us to be strong and independent. The messages we often hear outside of the church teach us to be our own leader, not a follower.

Yet, this is where those who truly follow Jesus stand out in contrast to the world. Our leaders in the church, as we see in this passage, are “keeping watch over our souls” – they truly care for us, what challenges we are going through, and our eternal destiny. Our leaders are called to be just like Jesus, when he washed His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-20) and humbled Himself to serve those He was leading. Just like Jesus instructed Peter before he went back to heaven to “feed my sheep” (John 21:15-19) – our church leaders are called to lay their lives on the line for the rest of us. Our leaders also know that they will “have to give an account” to God for how they have led. That accountability goes a long way. Different than what we see in the world, our leaders in the church today are called to devote and give their lives to service for all of us.

We need good leaders and we need good followers. Good leaders care about those they lead. They provide vision when those they are leading are having trouble seeing which way to go. Good followers encourage their leaders with helpful input and feedback of what is happening along the journey, which helps the leader to improve. Together, both leaders and followers do better. The thought of Canada geese comes to mind as they fly long distances in the shape of a “V”. The formation allows the leader to cut through the oncoming wind and make it easier for the followers to fly. In return, the followers call out “honks” of encouragement that motivate the leader and keep him or her going. What a beautiful illustration of leadership and followership from God’s creation!

These verses also encourage both followers in this same way – to follow with encouragement. Followers are called to take care of leaders and not make leadership more burdensome – “Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, …”, as we see that there is no benefit when we make unnecessary trouble in the lives of leaders – “for that would be of no advantage to you”. We have a responsibility to help provide joy. Leaders also have that same responsibility – to bring the joy of the Lord to their work. What a challenging, yet wonderful mix – when we do this well, there is joy and benefit for everyone.

Finally, we are encouraged to pray for our leaders. They need it and we do too. It’s through the power of prayer, talking with God and asking Jesus to intercede, that our leaders carry on with what they are called to do. Like the final verse of this passage shows – “we have a clear conscience” – true leaders in the church will be open with us, showing a genuine desire to act honorably and to the right thing. Again, the benefit of doing so is made clear – so that we can be together in fellowship in Jesus, just like the writer of Hebrews desired to be with the readers.

In reflecting on this passage, let’s look at our relationship with Jesus. He is our greatest leader. His example is what a true leader of the church should be. He was with those He led every day, He calmed their fears, He washed their feet, and He gave his life for them and for us. It’s no wonder that people then and now want to follow Him. As we seek to wrap our heads around what God would want us to do in the church today, let us remember that we are to be followers of Jesus Christ. He is our true leader and we are to submit to Him and how He and the Holy Spirit bring us in line with God our Father’s will and direction for our life. In these same ways, our leaders will lead like Jesus, and we will follow the truth that they give us from Him.

Lord, thank you for the leadership of the church, here at CityLight, in our community, our country, and around the world. Please help and bless our leaders with the strength to do Your work. Please work in our hearts to be encouraging followers. In all that we do, please let the light of Your love, Jesus, shine through the church into the darkness of this world, so that hearts will change and people will come to know You. Amen.