Verse: Matthew 6:25, 33 
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  

When my kids were very young, we used to play airplane.  I would lay on my back on the floor and they would balance on my feet up in the air.  They would pretend to be an airplane or a superhero flying.  But they had to let go with their hands and balance themselves.  I would encourage them by telling them not to worry because I would catch them.  They trusted me.

Are you worried about something today?  Are you worried about whether you can pay the bills or keep your job?  Are you worried if your friends like you or if your family cares about you?  While most of us don’t worry about whether we will have food for today or clothes to wear, maybe you are in that situation and you don’t see a way out.  

Worry can be debilitating.  We start to worry about one thing and then we are on a downwards spiral about all of life.  We feel worse and worse about ourselves and also about others.  The constant worry can cause stress that harms our health.  

If worry plagues you, I recommend reading all of Matt 6:25-34.  These are Jesus’ words to us about worry.  In it He makes a few important points for us to consider.  One is that worry has never changed a situation.  Why continue to do something that doesn’t help.  Another important point He makes is that He is in control of all things and He has you.  He knows what you need, loves you, and will be there for you.  Just like I was there for my kids as we played together, He is there for us in all that we do.

But in verse 33, he makes His strongest point.  Seek first the kingdom of heaven and right living.  Reduce your concern about lesser things.  By putting God first, your life will come into alignment with God’s desires for you.  Your concerns about food and clothes will lessen.  You will be happier and lighter and find yourself helping others.  And you will be grateful for all the blessings that come your way.  

It is not easy to stop worrying.  But we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us take these thoughts captive before we spiral out of control.  Let’s first seek Him.

Jesus, we do seek you and desire to know you better.  We ask you to pour out your love and peace on us this day.  Help us not to worry but to come to you in prayer and lay our concerns at your feet.  

Author: Brad Dunn