Verse: John 13:34-35
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

I’ve never been skydiving. Have you? I’m not sure I ever will since I am basically petrified of heights. But if I did go skydiving, I know one thing for sure: I would do exactly what the instructor told me.

If she said, “Listen up. There’s one thing you must remember. Pull this exactly as I am showing you to release your shoot. If you don’t do it like I’m doing it, it won’t work.” I would do it exactly like her. No matter what. Even if I thought I could do it better, or had a better idea than her. I would mimic her to perfection. Because my life would depend on it.

Notice how Jesus commands us to love each other: “as I have loved you.” Just like the sky diving instructor, he’s not leaving it up to us to define love. He is very clearly saying, “Listen, this is really important. When you love each other, make sure you love like I love. Don’t come up with your own way or follow someone else’s definition of love. Love each other in exactly the same way as I have loved you.” 

Meditate on that verse today. How has Jesus loved you? And therefore, how should that shape how we love each other?

Teach me to love others the way you have loved me, Lord.

Author: Christian Dunn