Verse: John 15:9-11
9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

Jesus explains quite simply the secret of his complete joy; remain in his love and keep his commands. But what does it mean to remain in love? And what does that have to do with keeping his commands?

Many studies have tried to find the secret to long lasting love. Most of them have found that it looks something like this: commitment, communication and constancy. It starts with a commitment on both sides to love, cherish, honor and obey. It continues with open, honest and respectful conversation and it is nourished by consistency of purpose. Sounds difficult, but not when we consider our partner, God. His grace covers our sort comings and he is faithful even when we are faithless. He knows our wondering hearts and has already made the atonement for us! He holds both sides of the covenant for us!

Joy is intimately connected with love and love connected to obedience. When we love someone we know that they have our best interests at heart and that obeying them is for our benefit. His commands are pleasant and they protect us when we walk in his love.

If joy is lacking in my life I need to trace it back to the source. How have I wandered from Jesus’ love? Have I replaced my commitment to him with other distractions? Have I slacked in open communicate? (Which involves listening and speaking.) Have I asked for his grace and strength to remain in his love? Has he asked me to do something and I’ve ignored him or said no? All of these things can strain our love and result in a joyless relationship.

Jesus, I pray for more of your grace to hold me close. Bind my wandering heart to yours! May consistent time in your presence be my desire. Fill me with your joy and help me see the joy in keeping your commands. Amen

Author: Michela Brownell