Verse: Acts 20:35
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Have you ever thought about in what ways it is better to give than to receive? What makes this statement so true? Why is it better? I have a couple thoughts…

First – giving aligns us with the character of God. God is a giving God, not a taking God. He is a God who has revealed himself to be generous and not stingy. He often refers to himself as “abounding” in loving kindness and offering us “abundant” life. He “pours out” his Spirit into our hearts and our cups “overflow.” When we learn to be givers, we learn to walk as Jesus does. We learn something of his character and connect with him on a deeper level.

Second – giving directly combats the spirit of greed, consumerism, and materialism that has beset this age. This is the water we swim in. None of us is immune. We are all influenced by the drug of “more.” This is why giving is better than receiving. Receiving, while there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, reinforces the mindset of always wanting more. Giving breaks that cycle. Giving resists the urge to keep for myself, hoard, amass, and cling to stuff with white knuckles. Giving is an open-handed and open-hearted way of living.

Third – giving teaches our hearts that others matter too. We don’t have to teach our hearts that we matter. We know that. We are all born with that. We are great at looking out for our own interests. But giving teaches our hearts the Kingdom way of looking out for others’ interests too. Learning to see a need and move towards it. Learning to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Learning to notice rather than ignore. These are all important qualities of Kingdom people, and giving works to teach us them all.

Today, can you move towards giving? Can you find someone to be generous with? In the end, it will be very good for you. Because giving is better than receiving!

Help me to become a genuinely generous person, Lord!

Author: Christian Dunn