Verse: ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:45-46‬ ‬‬
“And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts”

These verses describe a deep level of discipleship that took place in the early church. Verse 45 talks about how believers would sell their possessions, and give that money to meet the immediate needs of others. This is something that is just crazy to think about— imagine not thinking twice about selling your new golf clubs (or insert any commodity here) in order to help meet someone’s needs. Now I’m not saying that we wouldn’t try to help out, but I think it’d be difficult depending on the circumstances. However, the scripture just casually lays out that “they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” They didn’t think twice about serving one another, no matter the cost or impact.

The passage continues in verse 46 to talk about how believers spent every day together whether they went to temple, or they enjoyed a meal together on someone’s home. This quality time believers spent together was intentional— this developed deeper relationships as well as accountability. Believers were able to rely on each other as they navigated everyday life. While life today obviously looks much different, there is still a significant need for discipleship. This can occur through meeting with an available small group or mentor. This time navigating the word together, or just everyday life is so fundamental. Developing this community helps set a strong foundation consisting of accountability, empathy, and consistent spiritual disciplines. Through working together with our community, we are better prepared to step in and support each other when in need, whether through encouragement, or practical support, a strong community provides that capability. I encourage you if you have not already to get involved in a small group. If you already have, I encourage you to try a new one next time! Step out of your comfort zone, and broaden your community! We were not meant to work through this life on our own.

Dear Heavenly Father, Please help us to seek you out in a new way. Lord help us to get involved in a way they we can dive deeper into the community of your believers. Help us to step out of our comfort zone, get to know new people, and even potentially begin our own small group. Help us to be vulnerable with those members so that we can all share each others burdens. In your heavenly name I pray, Amen.

Author: Justin Artymenko