I encourage you to read the whole of chapter 23.  I’m going to highlight specific verses and summarize the chapter so we have the context for the commentary.

Acts 23:1
And looking intently at the council, Paul said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.”

The chapter continues on with the council debating on whether or not to put Paul to death.

Acts 23:11
The following night the Lord stood by him (Paul) and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.”

There are over 40 people that feel so strongly that Paul should be put to death that they vow not to eat until he is executed. They come up with a plan to ambush and kill him on the way to meet with the council. However, this plan is discovered and the officials are made aware of the plan. Officials see to it that he is protected by soldiers and no harm comes to him while he awaits his accusers arrival.

What a chapter! So much happens. I’m blown away by the first verse. Paul looks into the eyes of the council who wants to put him to death and states “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day”. He doesn’t back down or try to plead for his life. He stands firm on his faith. Also, I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine myself confidently saying the sentence that I have lived my life before God in all good conscience.

Think about the adversity that Paul faces. Time after time Paul is imprisoned for sharing his faith. While he’s in jail, he uses it as an opportunity to share the Good News with his jailers. This time, he hears about tons of people who hate him so much that they work together to ambush and kill him and will not eat until they see him dead. Paul doesn’t crumble under this pressure. He doesn’t falter on trusting the Lord. He is still enough to hear God’s voice and know that He is where He belongs in order to testify to the Romans.

Wow. I’m so humbled by this account of Paul’s behavior. Imagine being imprisoned and alone, again. Facing a council of people who want to kill you. But, never faltering. When I have a day of inconveniences, sometimes I cry out to God and question His plans.

For me, these verses are an encouragement and a challenge. It reminds me of 1 Timothy 6:12:  “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” It reminds me to fight the good fight. To cling to my faith in the faith of adversary. To draw nearer and be still so that I can hear His voice and look for his purpose. It reminds me that we are placed here to share the hope of His Good News.

Father, help still my heart today so that I can reflect on these verses. Thank you for the way you use Paul’s faithfulness in trials to speak to me today. Help me to slow down right now so that I may hear your voice, the way that Paul hears your voice in the midst of his troubles. Show me how you are using the trials in my life today for Your good. *I encourage you to take a couple of minutes here to be still and listen. Or, talk to God about the trials happening in your life right now. Talk to Him about His purpose for it.*  Father, thank you for the time to just sit and be with you today. Please use these verses as a reminder for me today to keep a Kingdom perspective. Amen

Author: Becca Artymenko