Verse: 2 Timothy 1:6
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands

The books of Timothy are Paul’s letter to Timothy, in which Paul shares his wisdom with Timothy. In the beginning of this verse, he tells Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God”. The term gift of God used in the passage is widely accepted to mean “salvation”, based on the way he uses this phrase throughout other books. Paul is encouraging Timothy to continue in his faith, to keep seeking God. He’s encouraging him to keep the flame of faith alive and to keep his eyes set on Jesus.

What a simple, great reminder that’s relevant to all of us. The enemy works hard to extinguish the flame of faith by distracting us and through obstacles in our way. We also need to continue to fan the flame, it doesn’t just stay lit on its own. We can keep it alive through being in the Word, being in community, prayer, worship, etc. However, in this letter, Paul is highlighting one specific way to keep growing his faith, through the “laying on” of hands. This refers to serving others. Showing up and loving people, meeting them where they are. We keep growing in our faith in moments where we choose to serve the people He loves.

Lord, thank you for this encouragement today. Please help me to keep my eyes set on you. Show me opportunities to serve your people. Help me to be selfless and show up so that I might reflect Your love to those around me. Show me how to continue fanning the flame of my faith so that I might grow closer and closer to you. Amen

Author: Becca Artymenko