Verse: 2 Timothy 2:1-2
You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.

Today we have simple, sweet, and straightforward verses to give us an important reminder, especially when starting off a new year. The first verse starts with stating that Timothy should be strengthened by the grace of Jesus. Paul reminds Timothy that his strength should not be found in himself, but rather to look to Jesus. Paul reminds Timothy, just as we can be reminded today, to stand in the strength found in the grace of Christ.

As humans, we are not always inclined towards grace and if you’re anything like me, the grace I offer isn’t consistent and reliable like that of Jesus. My sinfulness gets in the way, every single day. However, how comforting is it to know that we can find our strength in the perfect grace of Jesus? He will not waver, He will not be inconsistent. We can always rely on strength found in His perfect grace.

The second part of this passage says “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others “. First, note that Paul states that he’s talking specially about “faithful men”, meaning his instruction here isn’t specifically about seeking out lost people, rather he’s referring to people who already have faith. He’s referring to what discipleship looked like, the process of people learning and relying on Jesus, together.

Paul is reminding Timothy that faith grows through having relationship with one another and encouraging one another to continue growing closer to Christ. Another piece I found so interesting about this passage is thinking about how this shows exactly how God designed discipleship to work. Paul entered into relationship with the Lord, then worked to spread the word to people around him. Timothy came to know the Lord, then Paul continued to encourage him in his faith. Paul offered wisdom and points him towards sanctification. Then, with this growth, Timothy is able to pour into the people around him. He can encourage others in the same way Paul encouraged him.

You see, this is how discipleship is meant to go. It’s a long game, it’s not meant to end. The biblical model of growth is to rely on Jesus and to live life in relationship. In these relationships, we are meant to encourage and disciple, to continue reaching more and more people over time. These verses served as such a sweet reminder for me as we begin a new year.

Lord, thank you for the reminder you’ve given me today. Help me to rely on your strength and grace daily. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. Lord, thank you for the people you’ve brought into my life. Help me to stay (or seek out) community that will draw me nearer to you. Help me to see the people around me that I can pour into so that we might reach more people for Your kingdom. Amen

Author: Becca Artymenko