Verse: Matthew 10:19-20
“But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

I love these verses. To me, they provide so much comfort and reassurance. In the verses, Jesus is preparing His disciples for the challenges they will face as they spread His message. He knows that they will encounter hostility and even persecution, yet He reassures them not to worry about their defense or how to articulate their faith. The promise that follows is not just relevant for the early disciples, but is still true for us today. He promises we, like the disciples, will not be left alone to figure it out. Instead, the Spirit will be present with us to guide our actions and words when we face trials.

When we face difficult situations, whether it’s sharing our faith in a hostile environment, dealing with conflict in relationships, or navigating personal crises, maybe your gut reaction is like mine, instantly feeling anxious and inadequate. We worry about saying the right thing or knowing how to respond. Yet, Jesus invites us to lean into a profound truth: we are never alone in these moments. The Holy Spirit, the very presence of God, is with us, ready to speak through us if we allow Him room in our lives.

We can lean on the Spirit and trust God to be with us, because we know He always keeps His promises. In times of uncertainty, we can take a moment to pause and pray. We can invite the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and words. We can trust that we will be equipped with what we need in that moment because He is with us.

Father, thank You for the promise of Your Holy Spirit. Help me to trust in Your guidance when I feel overwhelmed or anxious about standing firm in my faith. Remind me that it is not by my strength, but by Your Spirit that I can share Your love and truth. Give me courage to be bold and to rely on You in every circumstance. Amen.

Author: Becca Artymenko