There is an old Third Day song that came to mind as I was preparing to write this morning, and thinking about how some people are feeling encouraged this morning and others are feeling discouraged based on the election results. The song is “My Hope is in You.” It comes from Psalm 24. I’ll highlight a few verses below:
“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust…
Show me your ways, Lord,
teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
Whether you were hoping for Trump to win or Harris to win, whether you woke up this morning feeling excited, discouraged, or indifferent, as Christians, we can go back to this verse every day.
We don’t put our trust in people. We do not look to politics (or politicians) to show us the way to live, to give us a sense of hope, or to encourage our hearts in difficult times. We know that no matter who is President, our hope comes from Jesus.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t have opinions, voice those opinions, speak up for what we believe in, etc. I’m saying that one of the many gifts of following Jesus is that going into yesterday’s election we knew that no matter the outcome, the King of Heaven was still on his throne. We knew that ultimate hope and security will only and always be found in King Jesus. We knew that true peace, true salvation and true hope is found as we put our trust fully in his hands.
That is why today we can echo the Psalmist today: “I trust in YOU Jesus! My hope is in YOU. Show me the way to live. Guide me and teach me along YOUR paths so that I can live a life worthy of YOUR name.”
Today, no mater what you are feeling, pause a moment and thank God that your hope is found in HIM. And if you are struggling to remember that, let this passage of Scripture be the reminder you need to RE-place your hope in him!
Author: Christian Dunn
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