Past Message Series
Brad Dunn invites us to find where we are on our, “Road Map to Spiritual Growth”. Whether you are exploring faith, a new believer or have been a believer for many years, this teaching is for you! Brad, lays out practical ways we can assess our journey and grow! Do you know where you are on your, “road map” ? Are you stuck? Are you confused? Maybe you need an invitation to grow and pursue more? Listen, as Brad, shows us through scripture, how each of us can use the map God has given us!
Listen as Mandy Dunn, shares the story of Mary of Magdalene. Mary, was once tormented by seven demons. Her life was filled with torment and pain. But, one day Jesus healed her! After that, Mary never looked back! She gave all that she had with her time and resources and followed Him! Mary of Magdalene never left Jesus’ side. She was there when He was crucified and the first person He appeared to after His resurrection! Can we be like Mary? We have been given the same mercy and freedom Mary was given. Let’s examine our lives and hearts and be just as sold out as Mary of Magdalene!
Christian offers hope through scripture, to stay the course of putting Jesus first. Reminding each of us as we come out of the pandemic, to not fill our lives with busy-ness. Rather, be intentional in our workplaces, homes, friendships, etc., Challenging us not to run the rat race of life, but to ask God what He has for us. As life goes back to somewhat normal, we each need to pause and seek all He has for us in these areas. Listen, as Christian challenges us to remain before Jesus with open hands, asking for His will to be done in all areas of our lives.
In this series we address several statements of culture (and a few from the church as well) that are widely accepted. If we dig a little deeper though, do these statements (like “you do you,” and “find your own truth”) actually help us? We will attempt to show why they are so appealing, and how, in the end they actually fail to deliver on what they offer. We will contrast each statement with the teachings of Jesus, and show how his Word in our lives actually delivers the very things that culture claims to.
This past year has highlighted mental health issues that many of us were already dealing with, but had learned to ignore. Anxious thoughts. Doom Scrolling. Fear of the future. Depression. Loneliness. And more. Is it possible to win this battle of the mind? Each week o this series we will share tools to help you live with more peace and mental clarity. We will also hear stories from people living through mental health struggles and finding victory and peace through faith in Jesus. Our hope is to give you real life answers to real life struggles.
What have you lost this past year? Friendships? Jobs? Faith? The story of Easter speaks of the many losses of Jesus. But it also speaks to the hope of a New Chapter. This Easter, join us as we learn from the way of Jesus how to find hope and healing in the next chapter of our lives.
What makes CityLight tick? Why do we exist? And what does that mean for you? In this two week series we explore the vision and values of CityLight. We invite you to listen and discover how God can fit you into what HE is doing at CityLight!
Jesus makes an outrageous claim in John. See how this claim can change your life for the better, as he enters into every present moment, with the very help you need.
In your experience, does life give you a chance to rest very often? Left to our own devices, we generally only rest when we absolutely need to, and even then, we don’t do a very good job of it. What if we learned to live by the rhythms of Creation, to rest one day a week, and find a new level of peace, love, joy, and contentment with what God has given us?
Who is the Real Jesus? Many of us have been taught more about him as a religion, than about him as a person. In this series we attempt to strip away some misconceptions, and get to the truth: that Jesus is a real person who desires to have a life changing relationship with you!
During this Christmas season, we will reflect on the many risks that the people in the narrative took for God. This will inspire us to look at the risks God invites us to take, and give us courage to stand with him. Each week ends with a video testimony from someone in CityLight who has lived out a risk for Jesus!
The book of James pulls no punches. It asks the question, “what would life look like if faith was not just an add on, but was everything?” In this series we explore several themes from James as he challenges us to let our faith have it’s full effect on our daily lives!
Have you been feeling worn down, or worn out, lately? Have you struggled with the chronic nature of the global pandemic, and the hopelessness that many of us are battling? As we look to Jesus, he offers himself as the one true place to find satisfaction, comfort, and hope.
In an increasingly divisive year, how are we to respond/interact as followers of Jesus? What can the Bible teach us about living in a dichotomous society? In an election year, with a global pandemic, and an awakening awareness of racial biases, how can we live well together? Looking at the teachings of Jesus, what advice would he give us during this time?
How is our vision of ourselves formed? Is it rooted in our upbringing? Our friends? What others say (or have said) about us? Are we defined by our worst moments? Our best ones? In this series we look at what the Bible says about how God see us in the hope of maybe being able to see ourselves through his eyes.
What is your relationship to the Bible? Is it relevant? Is it helpful? Does it frustrate you? Does it inspire you? The Scripture is a library of writings that are meant to lead us to Jesus. They are meant to be formative in our lives. But many of us run into barriers when it comes to finding in the Bible the life that Jesus hopes we find. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, or what your past experience with the Bible has been, this series will invite you to take the next step. We will ask questions. We will wrestle with problems. And most of all, we will practice. What would happen if you could find more life, meaning, direction, and inspiration in the Bible? How would that inform and shape your relationship with Jesus and others? How would it influence your character and life? Our goal this series is to journey together and find out.
A few weeks ago everything changed. Lock Down is not what any of us expected, or were hoping for. Now, we are living in a new normal, and as we look to the future it is natural to wonder what the next “new normal” will even look like! What if we could find meaning in this Lock Down? What if we could grow? What if we could see this time as a reset, or a new beginning? We think there are lessons we can learn during this time that will shape us and our future after Lock Down is over. Join us these next few weeks as we look past the Lock Down to the Lessons God has for us right now.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter while sheltering in place, what lessons and encouragement can we draw from these life changing, and history changing events? We lean into the truth of God’s great rescue plan, as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
We are all under the influence of someone or something. We like to think we are fully autonomous, but how can we be with so many expectations, desires, messages, and beliefs pulling at us—often in different directions? As Jesus walked the earth he made this invitation to anyone who would listen: “Follow Me.” In essence he was saying, let your life fall under my influence, instead of the influences that are currently pulling you apart. This month we will address five points of tension that we find ourselves in as we attempt to follow Jesus in a culture that has all but forgotten him. And we’ll be asked this question: who’s influence are we really under?